Abstract What is steganography? Steganography is the practice of hiding messages in other messages. This means messages that are sent as words can be encrypted into clutters of other words, images, sound, and videos. The purpose of steganography is not to encrypt the content of a message, but rather to hide the message altogether. Many…
Date Archives
January 2024
Chat Server
In the chat server project, I developed a chat client program that enables synchronous, real-time communication with a server, drawing inspiration from classic chat systems such as IRC. The goal of this project was to build a network application. Key features of this project include the development of a communication protocol to facilitate interactions between…
SleepTimes Application
A basic web application modeled after sleepyti.me, focused exclusively on recommending optimal times to wake up by calculating sleep cycles. Each sleep cycle is approximately 90 minutes, with a restful night comprising 5-6 of these cycles. Waking during a sleep cycle can lead to grogginess, regardless of the number of complete cycles achieved prior to awakening.