Piano Application

macro photography of piano
Photo by Bryan Geraldo on Pexels.com

The TypeScript code snippet is part of a web application designed to simulate a piano. Initially, it imports a CSS stylesheet and a Note model from the models directory, indicating a structured and well-styled application with defined models for its functionality. The core of the script is in the main.ts file, where an event listener is set up to initialize the piano interface as soon as the HTML document is fully loaded.

Upon loading, the script selects all elements with the class names natural-key and accidental-key, likely representing the white and black keys of a piano. It then binds a click event listener to each of these elements. When a key (button) is clicked, the script retrieves the key’s id attribute, which presumably corresponds to a musical note.

The playSound function handles the audio playback. It modifies the note name for sharp notes, replacing “-sharp” with “Sharp” to adhere to a naming convention. This function then attempts to play a corresponding audio file named piano_${note}.mp3 from a sounds directory. Upon successful audio playback, a console message is logged; if an error occurs, it logs the error to the console and displays an alert to the user. This setup allows users to interact with the piano keys on the webpage and hear the corresponding piano sounds, effectively creating an interactive piano simulation.