Hex Dump

This assignment involves creating a hex dump program, which is executed in two distinct programming languages: C and assembly, specifically targeting the x86_64 architecture. The primary function of a hex dump program is to read binary data from a file or input stream and display each byte in a readable hexadecimal format. This is particularly useful for debugging or analyzing binary files where textual representations are not available.

In the first part of the assignment, the program is implemented in C. This implementation requires setting up file reading operations, converting the binary data to hexadecimal format, and properly formatting the output for readability. The C standard library functions are utilized for handling file operations (like opening, reading, and closing files) and for formatting and printing the output. Special attention is needed to ensure error handling and efficient memory management.

The second part of the assignment involves re-implementing the same functionality, but this time using assembly language, which offers a more granular level of control over the system. This implementation adheres strictly to the x86_64 calling conventions, which dictate how functions receive arguments and return results. System calls are used for file operations, and manual implementation of data conversion and output formatting is required. Assembly language programming demands a deeper understanding of the underlying hardware and system-level operations. 

Hex Dump

					Github Link: https://github.com/suha-psms/Hex-Dump.git


#include   // this is the only system header file you may include!
#include "hexfuncs.h"

// Read up to 16 bytes from standard input into data_buf.
// Returns the number of characters read.
unsigned hex_read(char data_buf[]) {
   //int file_descriptor = STDIN_FILENO; // File descriptor for standard input: 0
    ssize_t count = read(0, data_buf, 16); // Read up to 16 bytes from standard input
    return count;

// Write given nul-terminated string to standard output.
void hex_write_string(const char s[]) { 
    ssize_t result; 
    int count = 0;
    int lessThan16 = 1;
    //keep reading 
    while (s[count] != '\0' && lessThan16) {
        if (count >= 16) {
            lessThan16 = 0;
   result = write(1, s,count); 


// Format an unsigned value as an offset string consisting of exactly 8
// hex digits.  The formatted offset is stored in sbuf, which must
// have enough room for a string of length 8.
void hex_format_offset(unsigned offset, char sbuf[]){ 
    const char hex_digits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
        sbuf[i] = hex_digits[offset % 16];
        offset >>= 4; // right shift by 4 moves to next hex val
    sbuf[8] = '\0';// Add null terminator


// Format a byte value (in the range 0-255) as string consisting
// of two hex digits.  The string is stored in sbuf.
void hex_format_byte_as_hex(unsigned char byteval, char sbuf[]) {
    unsigned char ind = (byteval >> 4) & 0x0f;
    unsigned char ind_2 = byteval & 0X0f; 
    const char hex_digits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
    sbuf[0] = hex_digits[ind];
    sbuf[1] = hex_digits[ind_2];
    sbuf[2] = '\0'; // null-terminate the string


// Convert a byte value (in the range 0-255) to a printable character
// value.  If byteval is already a printable character, it is returned
// unmodified.  If byteval is not a printable character, then the
// ASCII code for '.' should be returned.
char hex_to_printable(unsigned char byteval) { 

    if (byteval >= 32 && byteval <= 126) {
        // byteval is a printable character
        return (char) byteval;
    } else {
        // byteval is not a printable character
        return '.';